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Universal Time Clock / TotalPass — QuickBooks Plug-in Version 2.0.22

Click Here to Download File > QB_Plug-in_Import.exe

Program Description

The QuickBooks Plug-in requires that you run the latest time clock software version.


Using Icon Time Systems industry leading QuickBooks Plug-in application, you can now directly import your employee hours from your time clock to QuickBooks quicker than ever. Icon Time Systems’ QuickBooks Plug-in offers unparalleled integration with QuickBooks Payroll, new features and greater simplicity. This one-of-a-kind application allows you to manage your employee time clock directly from QuickBooks, import regular and overtime hours and synchronize employees between both programs.


Simple Employee Setup — with the QuickBooks Plug-in, setting up your employees is quick and easy.

  • Instantly export QuickBooks employees to your time clock.
  • Easily import existing time clock employees to QuickBooks.
  • Link your existing QuickBooks employees with employees preexisting in the time clock.


Straight Forward Configuration

  • Automatically matches QuickBooks pay items with pay items in the time clock.
  • Employee PIN numbers are automatically assigned to new employees.


Instantly Import Employee HoursDesigned for QuickBooks

  • Imports Regular and Overtime hours directly to QuickBooks Timesheets.


System Requirements

  • Operating Systems — Windows Vista (32 or 64 bit), 7, or 8
  • QuickBooks PRO or QuickBooks Premier (2006 and above) — must be installed and setup
  • An established connection to the computer running QuickBooks
    (Direct connection with USB or serial, network, VPN, or Internet)


Installation Instructions

  1. Save the file to your Windows Desktop
  2. After the download is complete, select RUN in the download window or double-click on the file downloaded to run the installation.
  3. Follow the instructions on the Setup Wizard page that should automatically appear after downloading and installing the Plug-In.
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