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Deleting and Adding New Employees on an SB-100 PRO / RTC-1000 Universal Time/TotalPass P400

KB0161: Deleting and Adding New Employees on an SB-100 PRO / RTC-1000 Universal Time/TotalPass P400


The RTC-1000 comes with 50 permanent employee slots, the SB-100 PRO comes with 25.

To remove or add employees to the clock, you simply use an available employee space or reuse a space vacated by an employee that has left the company.

1.  Save a backup file of your current time clock database to save previous employee’s punches.

2.  Go to the Employee List to find an available employee slot or one that is no longer in use.


  • Active employees can be found on the employee list.  Select Show Inactive to find employee slots that have been set to inactive and are not in use.


 3.  Select  the employee slot that you would like to use for the new employee. If the employee slot has been previously used, over write the prior employee’s information with the new employee’s information.

  • Be sure to remove any punches associated with the previous employee by selecting Delete all punches for this employee.


  • Mark the new employee as Active and submit the changes.

4.  The new employee can start punching on the clock.

NOTE:  Purchasing Web Punch licenses does not expand the available employee space.  You can only assign Web Punch to your current employees.  Adding a Child clock does not expand the employee spaces available on the Parent clock

If you do not have any employee slots available for the new employee, contact sales at

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var addy35718 = 'sales' + '@';
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var addy_text35718 = 'sales' + '@' + 'icontime' + '.' + 'com';
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or 800-847-2232 option 3 for information on purchasing an Employee Count upgrade.

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