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Save a Backup of your Time Clock Data – SB-100 PRO / RTC-1000 Universal Time Clock/TotalPass P400

KB0080: Save a Backup of your Time Clock Data – SB-100 PRO / RTC-1000 Universal Time Clock/TotalPass P400


A backup file can be created through the time clock web interface or directly at the time clock.

NOTE: The web interface for saving a backup and removing punches changed slightly after software version 4462.   Follow steps 1 through 4 for all versions.

Watch an Instructional Video – Click Here


Creating a backup through the web interface:

  1. From the main tool bar, select the Files icon and then select the Save to Backup File option from the drop-down menu.
  2. Click the Submit button in the Save to Backup File screen.
  3. Wait for the pop up window to appear prompting you to Open or Save the file – select Save.NOTE: If this window does not appear, there may not be enough memory on the clock to create the backup file.
  4. Browse to a desired folder to save the Backup.If you are using a Firefox or Chrome Web browser, the file may automatically be saved in your computer’s Downloads folder under the C: drive.NOTE:  We recommend that you save Backups of your time clock data periodically.

Creating a backup directly at the time clock using a USB thumb drive:

      1. Plug the USB thumb drive into the bottom of the clock.
      2. Press the Lock button in the lower left of the keypad.
      3. Enter your security code. The default code is 00 00 00.
      4. Press the Down arrow until the Download Backup option appears.
      5. Press Enter. A backup.db file will be transferred to the thumb drive. Make sure the backup completes without errors.


Deleting Punches / Removing Old Data

Deleting unneeded punches off of your time clock can assure that your time clock runs optimally.

      1. To delete unneeded punches off of your employee time clock, simply enter in the appropriate date to delete punches entered prior to that date – clickSubmit.


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