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Restore a Backup of your Time Clock Data – TotalPass

KB0164: Restore a Backup of your Time Clock Data – TotalPass


Restore a Time Clock Data Backup from the Software Interface

1.       To restore a backup file, select Files | Restore Backup.

2.       Type your password in the Current Password field.

3.       Click Browse and navigate to the location of your backup file.

4.       Select the file in the Choose File window and click Open.

5.       Click Submit in the Restore Backup File screen to restore the backup file. A warning message will display reminding you that your current data will be overwritten at the employee time clock.

6.       Click OK to continue. It may take several minutes to restore a backup file. The employee time clock will display a Please Wait and then a Performing Restore message.

7.       After the restore is complete, you will be required to log back into the time clock to view the backup information.

Note: the file cannot be opened by your computer. It must be restored back into the time clock to open. 

Restore a Time Clock Data Backup from a USB Flash Drive

Restoring a backup of your data is easy using your USB flash drive. Be sure to save a current backup file before restoring another backup. Follow the directions below to restore a backup from a USB drive.

  1. Copy the backup file data to the root of the memory stick.
  2. Rename the file to backup.db and ensure the name is all in lower case letters.
  3. Connect the storage device to the bottom of the employee time clock.
  4. Enter Supervisor Mode on the employee time clock.
  5. Press on the time clock.
  6. Enter in your security code – the default security code is “00 00 00”.
  7. Press Up or Down until RESTORE BACKUP displays and press ENTER.
  8. If the file is found, Restoring Data, then Performing Restore displays. The time clock reboots.
  9. After the time clock reboots, log back into the employee time clock software to view your historical data.
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