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Make Sure Your Time Clock Plays Nice With Payroll


With so many business systems synced up these days, the idea of software integration is almost a given. If one solution doesn’t “play nice” with another—especially in your HR software suite—then chances are, another will. After all, as…

Are You Adding To Your Remote Workforce?


Right now, it’s possible that as many as 100 million workers across the U.S. are clocking or calling in to work remotely. By 2020, nearly 75% of the American workforce will be doing so at least part of…

Manage Your Manufacturing Workforce With The Right Time Clock


When you consider the country’s continued economic growth, and record-low unemployment, things continue to look good for many companies and workers. That’s especially true in the manufacturing sector. Recent data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics shows that…

Find a Time Clock Solution For Your Restaurant


No two restaurants are 100% alike. Even chains, franchises, and multi-location establishments that operate in the same town will have their own personality and style. Often, this is because of your specific location, the personalities of your staff…

Manage Employee Meals and Breaks With Your Automated Time Clock


Businesses take care of their workers in many ways. They offer competitive salaries or strong hourly wages, provide robust health benefits, and even extend perks that allow for flexible work options. Other perks come in the way that…

Add a Time Clock Solution That Supports Your Remote Workforce


What do more than 100 million workers across the U.S. have in common? They work remotely at least some of the time. And, based on current projections, this number is on the rise. According to a study by…

Job Costing Via Your Time Clock


When your company handles multiple lines of business, it’s possible that workers will toggle between different projects throughout the day. When they do, you want to be able to track and manage jobs accurately. This helps make sure…

Find An Automated Time Clock Solution that Fits Your Company


Has anyone ever pinpointed the right time to upgrade your operations and management functions? Is it when you reach 20 employees? What about 50? How about 500? How do you find the right tools? There are plenty of…

Make Sure Your Employee Time Clock Solution Fits Your Business


Do your workers still use the phrase “punch clock” to refer to the tool they use to clock in and out? While some businesses use handwritten timesheets to record entries rather than a traditional punch clock, the phrase…

Time Clock Fraud Affects Employee Morale


Buddy punching—when one worker clocks in or out for another—seems harmless enough, right? Let’s say that someone needs to leave work early. He asks one of his coworkers to clock out for him when her shift is over.…

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