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TimeVue Error – “Before you can print…” Running Reports Using Windows 7 or Vista

KB0134: TimeVue Error – “Before you can print…” Running Reports Using Windows 7 or Vista

The full error reads “Before you can print, you need to select a printer. If you need to install a printer, either double-click the Add Printer icon or click the Find Printer button located on the general tab of this dialog”.


To correct this issue:

  1. Close TimeVue
  2. Right mouse click on the TimeVue short-cut on your desktop and select Properties
  3. In the Properties window, select the Compatibility tab.

  1. Select the option to Run the program as an administrator at the bottom of the window.
  2. Click Apply and OK to save the changes.
  3. Open TimeVue again. Printing should work properly now.


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