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Error: “Memory Full” when Polling in TimeSource

KB0089: Error: “Memory Full” when Polling in TimeSource


The Icon Time Systems employee time clock can only hold a maximum of 200 employees. There may be situations when old employees still remain in the memory of the clock and they are taking up memory space. Here are the steps to fix the problem.

  1. Remove the clock assignment to any new employees that you are trying to add to the clock.
  2. From the TimeSource switchBoard, click the Employee icon to open the Employee Window. Select the new employee from the employee drop-down list.
  3. Click the icon on the tool bar at the top of the Employee screen to “Remove a Clock Assignment.” The icon looks like a clock with a red X in the top left corner.
  4. In the Remove Clock Assignment window, left click next to the clock name to remove that clock from the employee.
  5. Follow the proper procedure to completely remove deleted employees from TimeSource. Go to this link: KB0004
  6. Go back to the Employees screen in TimeSource and add back the clock assignment for the new employees that will be using the clock.
  7. Click on the “Add a new Clock Assignment” icon on the tool bar at the top of the Employee screen.
  8. In the Employee Clock Assignment window, click next to the clock name to assign that clock back to the employee.
  9. Go to the Clocks screen in TimeSource and select “Reset All Clocks”.
  10. Go to Get Punch Data and try Polling All Clocks again.
  11. NOTE: If the problem persists, there may be old, orphaned employees stuck in the memory of the clock. The only way to resolve this is to clear out the memory on the clock. Please call technical support for further assistance.
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