If you are receiving a “Sorry Can’t Add” message when trying to enroll an employee, the Handpunch employee capacity has been reached or that employee number has all ready been assigned to the clock.
NOTE: It is also possible that the memory is full on the Handpunch. In the TimeVue or TimeSource software, poll the time clock to remove all the punches from the clock. Try adding or removing employees from the Handpunch after doing this. Follow the steps below if you still have problems adding employees.
The Handpunch has a limit to the number of employees that can be added to the clock. Even if employees are deleted from the TimeVue or TimeSource software, they still need to be deleted off of the Handpunch to allow space for additional employees on the clock. For example, the HP50E and HP1000 Handpunch clocks have an employee capacity of 50 employees.
To view the available space on the Handpunch: